A heavenly retail guide
In addition to picking pet-safe plants for your home or garden, there are a few other considerations to keep in mind, including fertilizer, compost, and common insecticides and pesticides. When buying plants suitable for pets, it is important to know which animals they are safe for. Knowing which plants are suitable for pets and the toxicity levels of other plants can go a long way in creating a healthy sanctuary that supports your overall well-being and, in turn, the well-being of your furry pets.
While you can simply move houseplants that are toxic to pets out of your pet’s reach, you can also invest in pet-safe plants that don’t pose a risk to your new puppy or kitten. You can leave these cat- and dog-friendly plants at home without worrying about an unexpected trip to the vet. These 15-pet safe indoor plants are technically safe for cats and dogs, but it’s best to resist temptation and keep all indoor plants out of reach.
Some of the most popular houseplants are known to be poisonous to pets, including devil ivy, snake plant, Swiss cheese plant, and leafy figs.
Add a few pet-friendly succulents like haworthia, echeveria, or a bunch of air plants to your countertop and you’ll be golden, and these plants are unique gift hampers. If you have a cat that is overly obsessed with plants, consider growing a couple of catnip trays to keep your furry friend entertained and distracted from the other greens in the house.
One way to keep your cat away from your plants is to place her in an inaccessible spot-on shelf or hanging baskets or offer her cat-safe wheatgrass to satisfy her need to eat plants. Luckily, they are non-toxic, but if you want to keep your plant in good condition, consider a hanging basket out of reach for your pets.
Due to their herbaceous foliage, spider plants are very irresistible to pets, especially if they like to nibble. Spider Plants, also known as plane plants, spider ivy, and ribbon plants, are a popular houseplant that’s safe for pets and great for hanging overhead, so pets aren’t as enticing. Easy to grow and difficult to kill, spider plants are a popular and safe option for pet owners. Popular houseplants that are also safe for pets include spider plants, money grass, and Boston ferns.
Common houseplants such as bird of paradise, sansevieria, and pothos can be dangerous to pets. Some plants can be toxic to pets if swallowed, sometimes causing seizures, tremors, or worse. The truth is that there are some types of plants that you should keep away from your four-legged companion as they can be toxic if ingested.
Plants can be very attractive to your pet, and you need to make sure that if your pet meets a plant, it won’t cause any problems. This gives you extra peace of mind that even if your pet encounters plants, no harmful chemicals will be introduced.
The love for our fur and plant puppies knows no bounds, but when it comes to their health and safety, it’s important to know the limits of plant toxicity to protect both our pets and our plants. Keeping track of which plants are poisonous and which are non-toxic to our pets can be tricky.
Although we work as hard as dogs to keep our pets safe, sometimes they still manage to eat poisonous plants. Keeping houseplants away from chewing pets can be difficult, so we need to make sure all the plants we grow indoors are safe and non-toxic for cats and dogs. However, just because these plants are listed as “safe for pets,” it’s not a good idea to let pets eat plants in your home.
According to the ASPCA, even ingesting these plants is minimal harm to your pet and unlikely to cause indigestion, which is always good to know. While these houseplants aren’t deadly to pets, they can still cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and other intestinal problems if eaten, so it’s best to keep any plants away from your pet as much as possible. Some plants are completely safe for your cat or dog, but others can have serious negative effects.
Many are poisonous to cats and dogs, and sometimes finding a plant that is safe for pets can be as tedious as transporting an anxious puppy in the car. Even though the species on this list are safe for pets, you still don’t want your pet to eat the beautiful leaves of your succulents or use your Boston fern as a rival in a fight. I get a lot of questions from readers about what types of plants are safe to grow around pets.
If you live in an apartment with little natural light, get a houseplant that does well in low light conditions, or one that can grow in artificial light. Dogs and cats often eat plants because of the nutrients they can’t get from pet food. Be aware that while spider plants are technically non-toxic to cats, they appear to contain opium-related compounds and may cause unwanted nibbling.